At the age of 80, the Honorable ex-president Magí Folgueroles (Joan Pera) feels he has enough energy to run again for the presidency of the La Generalitat de Catalunya, climb the Aconcagua and complete a triathlon. But he receives a visit from the Death who tells him that he is old and cannot make so many plans. Despite this, Folgueroles, convinced that with his experience he will be able to lift the country out the desolate pit, manages to reach a pact with the Death and become young again. He will go on to occupy the body of a young man, YouTuber and hip-hoper, who, in addition, turns out to be the partner of Alicia, his daughter, with whom he has not spoken for years. It seems that today’s youth is not what it used to be and these 6 months will be very, very long.

Text by  Joel Joan + Hèctor Claramunt
Directed by  Joel Joan
Set design  Pep Oliver
Assistant Set design  Paula Font Creixell + Sergi Corbera Gaju
Production Focus + Bitó
Teatre Condal, Barcelona. 26/01/23
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